Литва Lithuanian Cynological Society :
Maciuleviciaus g.53, 2050 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel (10 370 5) 249-91-19,
Fax (10 370 5) 244-69-01, 249-11-20
wwwkinologija.lt, lkd@centras.lt
Shows 2011
01 22 National dog show Kaunas LKMS 8 37 206758, +370 699 56561
lkmsklubas@gmail.com Timetable
01 23 National dog show Kaunas LKMS 8 37 206758, +370 699 56561
lkmsklubas@gmail.com Timetable
02 20 National dog show Panevezys PSMK 8 45 576739, e-mail: klubaslunaris@gmail.com Info
03 19 CACIB „LITHUANIAN WINNER’ 2010’’ Vilnius LKD fax.+370 5 2491120,+370 5 2030404, e-mail: lkd.show@gmail.com Info
03 20 CACIB „VILNIUS CUP’ 2010’’ Vilnius LKD fax.+370 5 2491120,+370 5 2030404, e-mail: lkd.show@gmail.com Info
03 26 Regional hound club show Antasava LSAS 8 682 39763, e-mail: rbarzdenis@gmail.com
03 26 Regional Jagdterrier club show Antasava JAK 8 600 29349, e-mail: jagterjerai@gmail.com
03 26 Regional Laika club show Antasava LLSK 8 686 52600, e-mail: laikuklubas@takas.lt
03 27 National all breeds Siauliai SSMK faks. 8 41 428940, 8 682 13713, siauliai.smk@gmail.com Info
04 02 National Jagdterrier show Kaunas JAK 8 600 29349, e-mail: jagterjerai@gmail.com
04 02 National Laika show Kaunas LLSK 8 686 52600, e-mail: laikuklubas@takas.lt
04 17 National all breeds Panevezys PSMK 8 45 576739, e-mail: klubaslunaris@gmail.com
05 07 National all breeds Jonava JTDSK 8687 81338, e-mail: stasys.jaramicius@gmail.com
05 08 Retriever club show LRMK 8 699 36814, e-mail: lrmk.golden@gmail.com
05 08 Regional Hound show Varena LSAS 8 682 39763, e-mail: rbarzdenis@gmail.com
05 08 Regional Jagdterrier show Varena JAK 8 600 29349, e-mail: jagterjerai@gmail.com
05 08 Regional Laika show Varena LLSK 8 686 52600, e-mail: laikuklubas@takas.lt
05 14 National all breeds Alytus ASMK 8 682 63100,8 315 79268, e-mail: klubas.bosko@gmail.com
05 21 Beagle club show BK 8 678 42552, e-mail: bigliuklubas@yahoo.com
05 21 National all breeds Plunge PSMK Tel./fax. 8 448 53839, 8 610 18574, e-mail: aliutik@takas.lt
05 22 National all breeds Klaipeda KMSSK 846 493864, 8 699 93930, e-mail: klaipedog@land.ru
05 28 British Shepherd club show Moletai LBASK 8 37 206758, 8 618 20434, 8 69936809 natalja.nekrosiene@gmail.com
05 27 Newfoundland and Landseer club show Moletai LNLMK 8 614-99022, e-mail: margo@newflandclub.lt
05 27 Sennenhund club show Moletai SZMK 8 640 13333, 8 611-59535 e-mail: info@zenenhundai.lt
05 27 Caucasian Shepherd and Central Asia Shepherd club show Moletai LKAMK 8 685 30542, e-mail: arunas.derus@gmail.com
05 27 Companion and Toy dog club show Moletai DSK 8 41 374929, +370 616 31759, e-mail: toyklub@gmail.com
05 27 North breeds club show Moletai SSK 8-687 21186, e-mail: ssklubas@gmail.com
05 27 Schnauzer and Pinscher club show Moletai LSMK 8 699 56563, 8 5 2491119, e-mail: schnauzer.lt@gmail.com
05 28 CACIB „AUKSTAITIJOS SUMMER’ 2011” Moletai LKD 8 5 2491119, fax.(8 5) 2491120, 2030404, e-mail: lkd.show@gmail.com
05 29 CACIB „MOLETAI CUP’ 2011“ Moletai LKD 8 5 2491119, fax.(8 5) 2491120, 2030404, e-mail: lkd.show@gmail.com
06 04 German Shepherd club show Kaunas LVASK 8 37 225265, 8 610 08468, e-mail: butkus.antanas@gmail.com
06 04-05 Czeskoslovensky Vlcak club show Kaunas CVK 8 619-29370, e-mail: daiva@wolfdog.org
06 05 National all breeds Kaunas KKMC 8 37 225265, e-mail: butkus.antanas@gmail.com
06 18 National all breeds Marijampole KKMC 8-37-225265, e-mail: butkus. antanas@gmail.com
06 19 National all breeds Prienai PPK 8-686-69128, e-mail: t_zukauskas@yahoo.com
07 02 National all breeds Silute SSMD 8 650 27303, e-mail: smsmd.hobi@gmail.com
07 03 National all breeds Situle SSMD 8 650 27303, e-mail: smsmd.hobi@gmail.com
07 16 National all breeds Taurage TSMK‘ LOJA 8-614-97304, e-mail: fbjuste@yahoo.com
07 17 Welsh Corgi club show Vilnius VKMK 8 5 2788417, 8-687 14664, e-mail: klubas.vsmb@gmail.com
07 23 National all breeds Ukmerge UUK 8 340 51499,8 699 52180, e-mail: bstasiukas@gmail.com
08 05 CACIB „DRUSKININKU MAJOR CUP’ 2011’’ Druskininkai LKD 8 5 2491119, fax.(8 5) 2491120, 2030404e.p.: lkd.show@gmail.com
08 06 CACIB „BALTIC WINNER‘ 2011’’ Druskininkai LKD 8 5 2491119, fax.(8 5) 2491120, 2030404, e-mail: lkd.show@gmail.com
08 07 Bullterrier club show Druskininkai LBMK 8 37 206758, 8-699-56561, e-mail: lkmsklubas@gmail.com
08 07 Terrier and Black Russian Terrier club show Druskininkai LTMK 8 37 378337, +370687 49876, e-mail: info@terjeruklubas.lt
08 07 American Staffordshire and Stafordshire Bullterrier club show Druskininkai 8 685 67026, e-mail: rojausvejas@gmail.com
08 07 Schnauzer and Pinscher club show Druskininkai LSMK 8 699 56563, 8 5 2491119, e-mail: schnauzer.lt@gmail.com
08 07 French Bulldog and Pug club show Druskininkai LPMMK 8 5 2337088, 8 680 45413, e-mail: rvaitkun@gmail.com
08 07 Sighthound club show Druskininkai LKSK 8 686 21740, e-mail: info.lksk@gmail.com
08 07 Retriever club show Druskininkai LRMK 8 699 36814, e-mail: lrmk.golden@gmail.com
08 07 Dobermann club show Druskininkai LDMK 8-699-56567, e-mail: laurajazgeviciene@gmail.com
08 07 Beagle club show Druskininkai BK 8 678 42552, e-mail: bigliuklubas@yahoo.com
08 07 V FCI group, 5 section club show Druskininkai CIAU CIAU 8-698-49447, e-mail: lietuvosliutas@yahoo.co.uk
08 07 Companion and Toy dog club show Druskininkai DSK 8 41 374929, +370 616 31759, e-mail: toyklub@gmail.com
08 13 Rottweiler club show Druskininkai LRDK 8 611 50760, e-mail:info@rotveileris.lt
08 07 Great Dane club show Druskininkai 8 37 206758, 8 610 83696, e-mail: dogu.klubas@gmail.com
08 07 English Bulldog club show Druskininkai LAMBK + 370 674 112 80, e-mail:info@bulldogclub.lt
09 03 Yorkshire Terrier club show Kaunas LTMK 8 37 378337, +370687 49876, e-mail: info@terjeruklubas.lt
09 03 National all breeds Kaunas LKMS 8-37-206758, e-mail: lkmsklubas@gmail.com
09 04 National all breeds Kaunas LKMS 8-37-206758, e-mail: lkmsklubas@gmail.com
09 04 West Highland White Terrier and Scottish Terrier club show Kaunas LTMK 8 37 378337, +370687 49876, e-mail: info@terjeruklubas.lt
09 10 National all breeds Vilnius VSMB 8 5 2788417, e-mail: klubas.vsmb@gmail.com
09 11 National all breeds Vilnius VSMB 8 5 2788417, e-mail: klubas.vsmb@gmail.com
09 17-18 Spaniel club shows Jovariskes LSSK 5 2385029, 8 601 15421, e-mail: tema @ centras.lt
09 24-25 German Shepherd club show Marijampole LVASK 8 37 225265, 8 610 08468, e-mail: butkus.antanas@gmail.com
09 25 National all breeds Panevezys PSMK 8 45 576739, 8 652 89100, e-mail: klubaslunaris@gmail.com
10 09 National all breeds Siauliai SSMK faks. 8 41 428940, 8 682 13713, e.p. siauliai.smk@gmail.com
12 17 CACIB „VILNIUS WINTER’ 2011’’ Vilnius LKD 8 5 2491119, fax.(8 5) 2491120, .2030404, e-mail: lkd.show@gmail.com
12 18 CACIB „CHRISTMAS CUP’ 2011’’ Vilnius LKD 8 5 249 11 19, fax (8 5) 249 11 20, 2030404, e-mail: lkd.show@gmail.com